February 28, 2013

Lent 2013 :: Day 16 ~ Flashback & Follow-Up

While I was a without voice, The Hubbs and I decided to have a blast from the past and re-read some of my first blog's posts. Yes Sweets, before Sweet Home South there was Girl & the Wind City. Can you believe it? Well, it's true. I was once The Girl showing off my at-the-time, one true love, The Windy City. Once I met my One True Love, The Hubbs, I started Sweet Home South as The Hubbs and I started a new chapter in our life and to express my love for The South.

So why not revisit my past?! The below post can be found here. It is a flasback inside look on where I was at one point in my life and now the folow-ups to where I am now in my lovely little life. Each follow-up is below each fun fact... Enjoy!!

*Excerpt Post from Girl & The Windy City ~ Top 31 Random Things About Me*

top 31 random things about me..

this craze of coming up with the "top 25 random things about you" is circulating the world wide web, especially facebook. since the women tell all is never that interesting to me, except the preview for the final rose ceremony, i decided on my top random things. instead of sticking by the rules, i came up with 31 randos..

here it goes...

1. I started my very own blog for my life here in Chicago. Read my blog at www.girlandthewindycity.blogspot.com and feel free to comment

*True story and now I have a blog about my life living in The South as husband & wife*

2. I only wash my face with the Target Brand of St.Ives Apricot Scrub

*Nowadays, I buy whichever Apricot Scrub is on sale AND I use Nutrgena Towellettes only at night to wash my face*

3. I love to name my personal belongings: Minnie the Crackberry, Roxy the Murano, Bitsy the iPod Shuffle.

*Sad story but all of those belongings have been replaced accordingly: The iPhone with No Name, Foxy Lady the Equinox & yes, The iPhone with No Name*

4. I can blow spit bubbles off my tongue thanks to my first boyfriend from middle school who taught me.

*Pretty much a Master at this trick & I do it when I'm bored*

5. I swam competitively for ten years. The first time I went to the State Swim Meet, one of the girls on my relay team's dad put our relay team picture and "State Bound" caption on the front of a fake Sports Illustrated issue.

*Still have that issue & chuckle everytime I pull it out of my memorie box*

6. At the age of 5, I made my own professional dance video to Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" at Disney's Shipwreck Island. I like dancing to that song still to this day.

*I definitely rocked that out, but disappointedly the VHS tape is missing*

7. I always wanted a unique hobby. I started a spoon collection from my travels when I was in grade school. That hobby was quickly dropped before I hit high school. I am now starting to collect concert and music festival posters.way cooler..

*My newest hobby is collecting Mercury Glass*

8. I have a freakish weird obsession with my bed. I love clean sheets and do not like dirty people sitting or even touching my bed. I am trying to loosen up on this quirk..

*This quirk is no longer. I let Rue Girl on the bed. She sheds. Truth be told.*

9. I moved to Chicago in June of 2008 knowing NOONE. I now have a very, very close group of friends, including three people I can truly call my best friends. That is saying A LOT..

*True story, I still have those friends. Second true story, when The Hubbs and I moved to Little Rock, I did Round 2 of meet & greets post college and now I have my aaamazing girlfriends, which I call "My Forever Friends"*

10. My goal at Auburn was to be a Camp War Eagle counselor. I could not have asked for a better group of counselors and advisors than 2006. I even met my college best friend. Check.

*This fact is still a prize possession I have on my résumé. That best friend, I am in her wedding in June*

11. Before I become “a grown-up,” I want to be an AuPair overseas and a ski bum.

*This fun fact was definitely a stretch but a girl can deem, huh?!*

12. Tyler candles are my tranquility, especially French Market. The next time I am back in Auburn, I am going to spend my $29.16 credit at Heartstrings on ONLY Tyler candles.

*I burned my last French Market candle before we moved from Chicago. That's how much I loved those candles. I was a candle-burning natzi*

13. I like to procrastinate studying by playing Nintendo 64 Mario Kart or D.D. Kong Racing.

*Thank goodness I don't have to study anymore. But if I had a N-64, The Hubbs and I would definitely make our rounds on rainy Sunday afternoons*

14. I work for McDonald's Corporation and was the Wendy's Girl for Halloween. I always have to clarify I work at the Corporate Office because I was once questioned why I commute an hour to work in the restaurant when there are plenty of McDonald's in the City.

*I now work for Corky's Ribs & BBQ part-time, and I still have to clarify that I am the marketing director. Funny how life comes full-circle*

15. I only wear Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue Perfume. Kimmie gives it to me every year for Christmas.

*Still only G&B Light Blue. now I buy it for myself..Oh the joys of getting old*

16. My absolute favorite thing is being surprised. Surprises make me smile!

*Surprises make my world go round!*

17. The only book I could not put down is Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love." I recommend reading it.

*I could read this book once a year. It helps remind me how being empowered to do what you love makes life simple and happy*

18. I can watch the movie "The Holiday" over and over and over and over..Ask anyone I have ever or am living with..

*Best. Movie. Ever*

19. I have owned my quilted Ugg boots going on four years. I could not live a single day without them during the Windy City Winter!

*Thanks to those Salty Chi-Town Winters, my beloved quilted Uggs had to go to about Heaven. I know have my Bomber Uggs, and will sport these Uggs till they day they i must depart from them*

20. My dream job would be to have a publishing company pay me to travel every corner of the world and write about my adventures.

*Hey, if someone is paying, ill take the job..*

21. When Kimmie and I were little, Nina would sew all three of us matching Moo-Moo's for the weekends we would spend with her. She sewed a pastel plaid Moo-Moo with heart lace for my time in Chicago.

*This Moo-Moo means the world to me. I will cherish this Moo-Moo forever because it is one of the last items My Nina sewed just for me*

22. My favorite holiday to celebrate is my birthday. I am known to celebrate it for more than one day with shotglass necklaces and cake (preferably cupcakes) with loads of creamy, not whipped, frosting.

*Still my favorite holiday; however, I have to admit I LOVE celebrating The Hubbs' Birthday a tab bit more. This year is extra special because it's my Golden Birthday... I turn 27 on March 27!!*

23. I am in search for the perfect peacock feather headband. I will probably end up making it myself.

*Bought that peacock headband and wear it when I want to feel fancy!!*

24. My parents, Clarkie and Sherbear, are the coolest parents in the entire universe!

*Check!! And now I get to add two amazing In-Laws that are pretty cool, too!!*

25. My favorite food to eat and to cook is Eggplant Parmesan. I have actually become quite the foodie and wino.

*Still love my Eggplant Parmesan, but I've gotten to be quite the cook... Just ask The Hubbs!! Also, I can definitely call myself a wino... Thanks to Sonoma{aka ~ The Best Honeymon Eva!!}*

26. I make my own rules.

*Let's just say I have gotten pretty good at "bending" the rules to make them more Little Mrs. Morris"friendly"*

27. Julia swears my celebrity twin is the character of Kelly Kapor from "The Office."

*I think she needs to answer this... Would you agree Jewels?!*

28. I could live off quality cheeses with table water crackers and fresh fruit.

*Lock me up. Throw away the key. Feed me cheese...AND some wine*

29. I have snow skied in three feet of powder in Steamboat Springs and scuba dived at 90 feet with sharks in Bonaire.

*You can add: Watching the First Shooting Light of a Delta Duck Hunt... One of the most beautiful sites you will see at 5:00am*

30. I ride a big banana yellow beach bike with a bell and basket.

*Her name is Bananarama. The Hubbs and I made a 24 hour road trip to retrieve her from Chicago...post moving to back South*

31. I was the first person to own a Mac Laptop and to wear a dress over jeans and Aviators at Auburn.

*I converted my entire family, including The Hubbs & Clarkie, to own Macs & iPhones. Score!! Maybe now it's more like dress over leggings. The aviators, well let's say, I just bought a new pair two weeks ago*

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