March 27, 2013

Lent 2013 :: Day 35 ~ Happy Birthday to Yours Truly

Happy Birthday to me!! That sounds so vain...

Oh we'll, today is a special's Yours Truly's Golden Birthday!! Which means I turn 27 on the 27th!! The most important part is I have lived to see a new year, a new day and enjoy the life God has blessed me with.

Today, I want to thank each and every one of y'all for the sweet texts, phone calls, emails, voicemails, cards and birthday happies!! Your words and actions mean the world to me, and I am thankful every, single day to share this wonderful life with y'all!!

Love y'all to the maxx, Sweets!!

Look forward to updates throughout the day including birthday surprises and birthday fun!!


1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZZIE B!!!!!! Hope this birthday is as special as you are, and I cannot wait to celebrate with you this weekend!
