April 18, 2012

the morris' are movin'!!

it's official, y'all!! the hubbs and I will be moving may 9 from our sweet home chicago and making our way down to little rock, arkansas!!

just this morning, we sent out our email to all, and I mean all, of our family and friends. the response has been overwhelming supportive. just feeling the excitement in everyone's emails truly makes our hearts happy. I still remember the feeling when I moved to this lovely city back in june 2008. I definitely was excited, but that excitement was only shared with me and me alone. now, trey and I have oodles of happy feelings coming our way and it means the world to us.

Chicago and the friendships we have made will always hold a special place in our hearts. no other city would have allowed us to grow in our personal and professional lives. of course, no other city would have allowed us to meet and fall in love. we will always remember the weekends filled with family and friends visiting our amazing city. we will never forget our wedding weekend where lots of love and laughter was shared among us all. trey and I are beyond blessed to have called chicago home for the past four years. we are thankful each and everyday that we both made the decision to travel outside our comfort zones and move to a place that was totally foreign but provided us with many opportunities. this experience will leave an everlasting imprint on our life and our hearts.

we thank each and everyone one of y'all from the bottom of our hearts. please keep in touch and stay up-to-date with our life by following and checking in with our blog, sweet home south!!

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