June 14, 2012

brunch bunch

my sweet friend, dawn, met me for brunch today before the hubbs and i left little rock for father's day weekend. she had this past week off from work so we planned a day to meet up. now y'all, if we were having brunch in chicago, I would have picked either the southern, toast, elly's or rockit bar..yes it would have been a hard decision, but i knew my top choices. since i am still exploring little rock's foodie scene, i didn't have a list of top choices or even one single restaurant to suggest.. sad!! thankfully one of my sweet new friends, natalie, told me about b-side off rodney parham. so sweets that is where we ended up today and it is definitely my number one (and only so far..haha) brunch bunch spot!!

dawn got the yummy eggs benedict, which the eggs were poached to perfection. i got the mouth-watering, dream-about, got-to-have chicken and waffles (pictured at top). yes, that meal deserved everyone of those adjectives!! the chicken was fabulously fried sans grease (which is a hard task!), the waffles were crispy whole wheat goodness and the syrup was all kinds of sweet yumminess. beyond our meal, the service was exceptional, and our waitress split the bill before we even asked!! sweets, that's southern hospitality restaurant style!!

thanks dawn for such a fun brunch bunch!! needless to say y'all, i will be making many more visits to b-side and y'all should too!!

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