August 8, 2012

little happies go a long way

Every now and again, it's nice to know that I have such thoughtful friends. I have friends who amidst their busy lives are constantly helping me find my new career in whatever it may be.. Then I have friends who just want to spend quality time with me.. And then there are my friends who are far away that still do little things to let me know they are thinking of me..

Yesterday, I got this little happy from a dear friend, Mrs. Amy P!! This amazing lady is a super-mom of three, servant to Him above and pretty much an Olympic Gold medalist at being All-Around Awesome (just keeping with the Olympics theme..haha)!!

I usually expect packages because of My Paperly, and I usually know what I will be picking up from the apt office. However, when I picked up this package and the return address was Atlanta, I knew a special someone with a pretty awesome camera was thinking of us.

THANK YOU AMY P. FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL WRAPPED CANVAS WEDDING PICTURE!! It is our absolute favorite picture from June 25th!!

If y'all have not seen Amy P.'s work or need a photographer for a special event and are in the Atlanta or Chicago areas, check her out here!!

All of these friends are what I try to be everyday to not only these amazing ladies, but to my family and my hubbs. I love giving little happies here and there, even if it is just a hand-written note. You never know what a little something could do for someone you love.

Here's a good quote I found on my pinterest that ties in with today's post..


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